Thursday, March 19, 2009

He'll Be There

This poem was written in honor of Ryan who was a friend of everyone in my family and very well known at Payson High School back in 1996, when we was suddenly taken from this earthly life in a snowmobile accident the night of his Senior Class Prom. My brother Heath was with Ryan and their dates snowmobiling down in Fairview, Ut when Ryan and his date Shelly drove off of a huge revine they couldn't see in front of them. Shelly survived but Ryan was found with his helmet off (proof that he did not die on impact).
My mentally strong brother, Heath, came upon finding his best friend only to have to perform CPR for nearly two hours trying to save his life before EMT support arrived. Ryan was pronounced dead on arrival at the local hospital. I can't imagine having to live through such tragedy at only 17 years of age (Heath was soon turning 18). Ryan was so excited to leave on his mission and we now understand that Heavenly Father had a special mission waiting for Ryan and he was called away to slip beyond the veil to fullfil that mission!

(By the way....this picture of Ryan appears a bit old and faded...not due to the fact that it's an original print that I had to scan to digital, but because it's been in my wallet with me all these years I've missed him. We all love and miss you Ryan!!!)
Written for Ryan's farewell (funeral)...

He’ll Be There

Whenever I called on the phone
He would be there
Whenever I want to Talk
He’d say “When?” and “Where?”

Whenever I went to his house
He was always there
Whenever I was sad or hurt
He was the first to care.

Whenever his mom called
He was already there
Whenever she needed to cry
He would hug her like a bear.

Whenever life gets too hard
He’ll always be right there
And as soon as my life is over
I know that he’ll be there.

Tribute to my friend Ryan
Jarom Lee Thurston 1996

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